Enterprise Technology Solutions
Customer Relationship Management

LA Metro – TAP Call Center Business Process Transformation
Niti founder Jignesh Patel along with Niti consultant Russell Case supported LA Metro with the review of their Regional TAP Service Center (RTSC) business processes, recommendation for future
state and subsequently helped with the implementation of various upgrades to the system. TAP is the Cubic/Genfare regional smart card system that supports fare collection for LACMTA and its regional partner agencies. The scope included analysis of technology solutions, operations review, business processes review, assessment of service levels and performance, gaps identification, development of specifications and transition plan for the future system. This was an extremely complex multiple vendor environment where Cubic Transportation Services was responsible for providing the smartcard backend and fare collection equipment while ACS Transport Solutions (Xerox) and their sub-contractors were responsible for managing tasks such as Call Center operations, the Reduced Fare and Employer Programs, the Third Party Vendor Network, Regional Operations, Clearing & Settlement, System Administration and Reporting Systems, and providing a CustomerRelationship Management (CRM) solution.
To conduct this analysis, the team created a system snapshot with current business processes, technology architecture layout, skills assessment and roles and responsibility matrix. After that, performed a feasibility assessment, technology options assessment and market research for various component of the RTSC. During the project, the LACMTA union was awarded a contract to handle all Call Center operations, which eliminated, which resulted in change of direction mid-project. Niti Consultants supported LACMTA with the transition of the Call-Center operation, CRM system design and management to an in-house team. Our team members revised the business processes, created a staffing analysis to determine skill, roles and responsibilities and training program for the in-house transition. The team created over 100 detailed business process workflows for the CRM systems which were configured in the SalefFocre CRM.

Los Angeles Metro – Freeway Service Patrol Technology Systems
Niti Systems founder, Jignesh Patel supported the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Freeway Safety Patrol (FSP) with an in-depth technology assessment and technology Concept of Operations
(ConOps). This was a multi-agency project that included the LACMTA Freeway Safety Patrol, The California Highway Patrol and Caltrans.
Jignesh performed an assessment of the existing systems and operations of the LA Metro Freeway Safety Patrol operations. This assessment took into consideration the existing technology systems,
travel patterns and traffic data, regulatory and legislative requirements and other critical impact areas. The assessment focused on the core areas of CAD/AVL and Communications systems along with various in-vehicle and back-office components including radio, Wi-Fi, Mobile Data Terminals, CCTV systems and other on-board equipment. We captured the current state including
software/hardware systems and business processes, and defined the strategic requirements in terms of functionality, technical and safety needs, security, communications, system architecture, operational impact and cost.
The Technology Strategic Plan provided Metro FSP with the design of a future system that addressed all areas, included a logical definition, concept of operations and implementation plan. The project was completed on-time and on-budget.

MARTA AFCS 2.0 and CRM System Integration
Niti Systems is supporting MARTA with assessment, recommendation and implementation of a new Fare Collection System named AFC 2.0. The AFC 2.0 Project is aimed at modernizing MARTA’s ageing closed loop, smartcard based regional Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system with a modern, flexible, open loop and account-based fare payment system. The system features smart media processors on faregates, on board surface vehicles, handheld devices, fare vending, point of sale devices, a central data collection and reporting system, and customer relationship management systems.
The Phase 1 of AFC 2.0 effort involved an in-depth assessment of MARTA’s current fare collection system – including hardware, software, fare media, business processes, data quality, regional setup, clearing and settlement and other components. A key component of this exercise was to review the MARTA Customer Service center processes and system. MARTA’s current CRM deployment is fragmented; with over 7 different systems used across the agency to manage customer engagement. Niti team is helping MARTA with efforts to consolidate many of these systems with an “Enterprise CRM” that will integrate with the AFC 2.0 CRM. The Enterprise CRM will replace these fragmented systems to consolidate the customer data in one system and provide a 360º view.