Professional Services
Project/Program Management

Tennessee DOT Alternative Delivery Project Management Contract
Niti Systems is supporting the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) with program Management support for the alternative delivery projects. We will be supporting the Project Management Division of the TDOT with transportation project management, transportation engineering, program implementation, and program management support services for alternative delivery projects. The aim is to explore, identify and use new, innovative project management practices to decrease project delivery time, reduce construction time, improve safety, and reduce costs.
The scope of services for this contract include:
Project Development Support
Alternative Contracting Support
Planning and Environmental Management
Right of Way Support
Intelligent Transportation (ITS) Support
Professional Surveying and Mapping
Geotechnical Support
Traffic Operations Support
Project Management Support
Construction Management Support
Program Management Support

MARTA PMO – Project Delivery and Controls Process Improvement
The Niti Systems team supported MARTA’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with a wide variety of programs, projects, and capital expenditures across the various business offices. We reviewed the existing Project Delivery and Controls processes to define the future project delivery and controls processes to improve MARTA’s Capital Programs Development (CPD) project delivery results.

Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) – Project Management Support
Niti Systems is supporting SacRT with Project Management support for their Strategic Business and Technology alignment effort. Our Technology Project Managers are helping the agency with requirements management, schedule management, scope management and resource assessment/management. The effort involves the assessment of project management and delivery framework for IT systems implementation and tailored recommendations for the agency based on industry best practices and their own unique needs.

Long Beach Transit (LBT) – Technology Project Management Support
Niti Systems is supporting LBT with Project Management support for their enterprise technology infrastructure setup and migration effort for their new building. LBT purchased a new building that will serve as their new headquarters and are in the process of installing technology infrastructure (LBTHQ). AsLBT is preparing for a relocation to the new office building, we are supporting the IT department with assessment, planning, preparation and deployment of the critical technology infrastructure and systems, including wired/wireless network, surveillance/security setup, access control systems, data centermigration, IT assets relocation and more.

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Management Consulting On-Call
Niti Systems consultants are serving as a strategic resource in the implementation of DART’s strategic business planning process. This process establishes the framework for business units to pursue performance improvement, with the goal of each to optimize performance towards the broader corporate vision. From time-to-time, these initiatives undertaken by various business units require third-party support to infuse subject matter expertise and analytical support in developing strategies for optimizing performance. Niti Consultants will be responsible for providing these business units with best-in-class strategic and analytical support for their initiatives across five (5) categories of services:
Traditional Management Consulting
Value Proposition
Mobility Management
Strategy Alignment
Insights and Analytics

Transit Authority of River City (TARC) – Management Consulting Professional Services – IDIQ
As part of the Transport team, Niti Systems Consultantsteam will be working as an extension of staff, mentoring, and partneringwithTARC staff supporting organizational change management. The Scope of Work includes Strategic Planning, Transit Management and Technical Capacity Services.
• Develop an outcome-based execution roadmap and strategy• Develop a customer satisfaction survey and an on-going method to routinely monitor customer satisfaction metrics (e.g. Net promoter score, or similar) • Share industry best practices and expertise that can serve to modernize TARC• Support moving TARC’s strategy to a prioritized portfolio and roadmap of initiatives focused on developing a set of key objectives andoutcomes
TRANSIT MANAGEMENT:Based on the outcome-based execution roadmap and strategy, the selected firm(s) will then assist TARC with the following: • Support the cultural transformation of the organization based on an alignment of the roadmap and strategy with the organizational goals• Plan and facilitate leadership team and organization engagement• Develop a revised organizational chart and associated Job Descriptions as needed, and in conjunction with the Executive Director and Board of Directors
TECHNICALSERVICES:• Support organizational transformation with project management practices and standards based on the implementation of the new strategic portfolio• Ensure that these policies, procedures, and processes reflect the strategic direction along with Federal Transit Administration (FTA)regulatory compliance• Assess internal workflow procedures and processes, technology systems, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Information Technology (IT)