Engineering Services
Railway Engineering

MARTA Vehicles Bench contract
Niti Systems will be supporting MARTA with the Bus and Rail Vehicle Consulting Services bench contract. Our team will provide the services:
Services for the Rolling Stock:
Provide technical engineering expertise for rehabilitation and improvements of existing fleet
Provide technical engineering expertise for rail vehicle system and component modifications
Standardize and integrate systems on existing fleets and new vehicles
Re-engineer and optimize maintenance and operations of rail vehicle shops
Continue implementation of the Life Cycle Asset Reliability (LCARE) program
Support and provide a comprehensive update of the Rail Operations Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Support MARTA in Regional Transit Initiatives, including interoperability and connectivity considerations with light rail, streetcar and commuter rail projects
Provide support in development of a new Rail Fleet Management Plan (RFMP) and Facilities Management Plan
Support workforce development and training, including curriculum development/manuals and training delivery
Provide configuration management and material controls support
Services for the Buses:
Bus Procurement Technical Support – Transit & Mobility Buses
Workforce Development and Training, Curriculum Development, Training Manuals, and Delivery of training Program(s).
Technical Engineering Expertise
Vehicle Electrification Initiative
Bus Maintenance Facility Evaluation and Optimization
Bus Operations Planning and Evaluation of Regional Expansion Initiatives

MARTA Systems Engineering Bench Contract
Niti Systems Consultants was awarded the MARTA Systems Engineering beach contract in October of 2021.Niti System Steam will provide engineering services on existing operating systems or on capital projects as well as evaluating proposed capital projects. The service areas for this bench contract includes:
Traction Power Substations
Third Rail Power
Train Control & Signalling System
Fare Collection System
Communications System
Control Center
Corrosion Control
SCADA System
P25 and 800 MHz Radio systems
On-board Train Control System
Audio Visual Information System
Tunnel Ventilation System
Emergency and Uninterruptible Power Systems
Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) Systems
Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) Systems
Vehicles and Vehicle Lift Systems
Energy Management Systems

CTA Red Line Extension
Niti Systems will be supporting Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) with professional services consulting support for their Red Line Extension (RLE) program. The CTA is planning to extend the Red Line from the existing terminal at 95th/Dan Ryan to 130th Street by another5.6-milewithfour new stations with bus and parking facilities. The RLE Project will reduce commute times for residents, improve mobility and accessibility, and provide connection to other transportation modes. The RLE Project could also foster economic development, where new stations may serve as catalysts for neighbourhood revitalization and help reverse decades of disinvestment in local business districts.