Transit Systems Consulting
Intelligent Transport Systems

Long Beach Transit ITS Assessment
Niti Systems is supporting LBT to assist them in performing a needs assessment of LBT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and technologies. The outcome of the assessment will result in a document that provides recommendations to either upgrade or replace systems based on LBT’s strategic goals, business drivers and future technology trends along with staffing levels required to support those systems. We will prioritize the recommendations based on a cost/benefit analysis, ease of implementation (OTS vs custom) and implementation timeframe. The recommendations will be used by the Vendor to provide LBT with a strategic roadmap for implementation and maintenance over the next five years.
The scope involves the following systems:
HASTUS Scheduling Systems
TransitMaster – CAD and AVL
LMRS – Radio System
On-Street signs – LED Displays for Passenger Information Systems
Arrival Departure Displays LCD Displays for Next bus Arrivals
Automated Passenger Count (APC)
Busline and Crewline Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) and SMS – Phone and Text system
ArcGIS – GIS Database System
We are supporting LBT with the following deliverables:

Bloomington ITS Support
Niti Systems is supporting the Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation (BPTC) with a 24 months contract to support them Systems Assessment, Recommendations, Procurement Support and Implementation Support for their various enterprise and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Major systems for this contract include CAD\AVL & Micro Transit operating platform & hardware, Fare Collection Equipment and Planning, Run Cut & Rostering software.
We are supporting BPTC with the following tasks:
Create up-to-date technical specifications focusing on the unique needs of BPTC for each project for use in procurement solicitations.
Offer assistance reviewing and evaluating proposals to ensure selection of products and services will meet the needs of BPTC.
Extend technical assistance managing project implementation and final product acceptance.
Support BPTC with transition from the current contractual arrangement with the City of Bloomington to performing all IT services in house, including a detailed transition plan and budget to accomplish this task.

Los Angeles Metro – Freeway Service Patrol Technology Systems
Niti Systems founder, Jignesh Patel supported the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Freeway Safety Patrol (FSP) with an in-depth technology assessment and technology Concept of Operations
(ConOps). This was a multi-agency project that included the LACMTA Freeway Safety Patrol, The California Highway Patrol and Caltrans.
Jignesh performed an assessment of the existing systems and operations of the LA Metro Freeway Safety Patrol operations. This assessment took into consideration the existing technology systems,
travel patterns and traffic data, regulatory and legislative requirements and other critical impact areas. The assessment focused on the core areas of CAD/AVL and Communications systems along with various in-vehicle and back-office components including radio, Wi-Fi, Mobile Data Terminals, CCTV systems and other on-board equipment. We captured the current state including
software/hardware systems and business processes, and defined the strategic requirements in terms of functionality, technical and safety needs, security, communications, system architecture, operational impact and cost.
The Technology Strategic Plan provided Metro FSP with the design of a future system that addressed all areas, included a logical definition, concept of operations and implementation plan. The project was completed on-time and on-budget.

Long Beach Transit ITS Procurement Support
Niti Systems Consultants assisted Long Beach Transit with an assessment of their on-board Intelligent Transportation Systems, documenting the shortcomings and recommending a future path for
improvements. The Niti team also developed technical specifications to purchase the improved systems through a competitive procurement process. LBT was in process of upgrading multiple ITS components on their existing fleet of 236 vehicles to match them with the new systems arriving with 50 BEV they were purchasing.
The existing fleet had one Systems Integrator managing a huge variety of hardware components. These hardware components were purchased over the period with each new generations of vehicles,
resulting into technology siloes that created a huge challenge for managing them. Our team helped LBT standardize the hardware components by creating technical specifications for the Intelligent
Transportation Systems for the new batch of 50 BEV. Our task was to ensure that the new vehicles can seamlessly integrate with the current Systems Integrator on the existing fleet. Subsequent to
that, we supported LBT with the transition of the ITS hardware on the existing fleet of 236 vehicles to match the new ITS hardware arriving with 50 BEV, thus ensuring a unified system for both hardware and software.

Transit Authority of River City (TARC) – Management Consulting Professional Services – IDIQ
As part of the Transport team, Niti Systems Consultantsteam will be working as an extension of staff, mentoring, and partneringwithTARC staff supporting organizational change management. The Scope of Work includes Strategic Planning, Transit Management and Technical Capacity Services.
• Develop an outcome-based execution roadmap and strategy• Develop a customer satisfaction survey and an on-going method to routinely monitor customer satisfaction metrics (e.g. Net promoter score, or similar) • Share industry best practices and expertise that can serve to modernize TARC• Support moving TARC’s strategy to a prioritized portfolio and roadmap of initiatives focused on developing a set of key objectives andoutcomes
TRANSIT MANAGEMENT:Based on the outcome-based execution roadmap and strategy, the selected firm(s) will then assist TARC with the following: • Support the cultural transformation of the organization based on an alignment of the roadmap and strategy with the organizational goals• Plan and facilitate leadership team and organization engagement• Develop a revised organizational chart and associated Job Descriptions as needed, and in conjunction with the Executive Director and Board of Directors
TECHNICALSERVICES:• Support organizational transformation with project management practices and standards based on the implementation of the new strategic portfolio• Ensure that these policies, procedures, and processes reflect the strategic direction along with Federal Transit Administration (FTA)regulatory compliance• Assess internal workflow procedures and processes, technology systems, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Information Technology (IT)

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Vehicle Technology Procurement
Acting as the interim CIO for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patelled an in-depth assessment of allJTA in-vehicle technology systems. The agency was in the middle of modernizing their vehicle technology portfolio with a new Smartcard bases Fare Collection system, new Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) system, New Mobile Ticketing based Electronic Payment System, new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) system. Jignesh led the effort for a current state assessment, opportunity report, market condition report, peer agency assessment, technical specifications creation, procurement support and project management. Each of these projects were completed successfully on time and within budget.

Palm Tran ITS Assessment
NSC consultants successfully completed an Intelligent Transportation Systems and Strategic Roadmap for Palm Beach County (Palm Tran). Palm Tran had implemented a host of CAD/AVL, Scheduling and Surveillance systems that were facing a host of issues–ranging from improper configuration, lack of integration and insufficient staff training. Niti Systems conducted anin-depthassessment of these systems to identify the gaps and provide tailored recommendation for the agency. The assessment included analysis of the business value provided for the capital investment by Palm Tran; the effectiveness of these systems in providing a quality experience to customers; the integration opportunities with various enterprise systems and training needs by various user groups. Niti Systems successfully finished the assessment, recommendation, training delivery and technical specifications for these systems.

Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) ITS Implementation
Niti founder Jignesh Patel worked with Milwaukee Transit to help agency perform assessment of the current system limitations and options analysis. The Video and Audio quality of their current system did not meet MCTS needs, and footage could only be retrieved by manually retrieving hard drives from buses later. The team helped agency explore alternatives to select and procure a modern Mobile Video Surveillance System (MVSS) to replace their existing security camera system. The effort included development of technical specifications as well as procurement support and help with the project management as upcoming phases.

Atlanta Streetcar Real Time Passenger Information Assessment
Niti founder Jignesh Patel supported the Atlanta Streetcar with their Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) assessment, technical specifications, and implementation.

South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) – Real Time Passenger Information Assessment
Niti Systems founder Jignesh Patel led a project with SFRTA for their rail only Real-Time Passenger Information (RTPI) assessment, technical specifications, and implementation. The team also helped the agency with their Phase 2 Deployment that included an assessment, technical specifications, and procurement support for the signage project.

City of Durham – Transit Fleet and Technology Support Services
Niti Systems will support City of Durham with Transit Fleet & Technology Support Services (FTSS) contract aimed at advance rolling stock and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects, with the goal of enhancing our overall customer service experience, ensuring proper fleet planning and maintenance, and properly planning for the procurement, installation, and integration (locally and regionally) of ITS. We will support the agency with Fleet Expansion and Revitalization, Research and Analysis, Asset Management, Bus Procurement Support, ITS Planning, and ITS procurement support.