Mobility Services
Transit Asset Management (TAM) Planning

Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) – Transit Asset Management Plan
GRTA wanted implement an Asset Management solution that utilized the industry best practices approach as advocated by the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) and promoted through the International Standards Organization (ISO) 55000 suite of asset management standards. However, the agency did not have the robust data set or analytical tools to support the most efficient path to this level of asset management maturity. Niti founder, Jignesh Patel supported GRTA with an EAM system implementation to ensure that Long Term goals of the agency were met by this solution. For this project, he performed an assessment of the Transit Asset Management (TAM) needs, Data Collection, Asset Hierarchy definition, Data Entry, State of Good Repair (SGR) creation, and ISO 55000 Draft International Standards for Asset Management. Subsequent to that the we helped the agency implement a TAM solution along with the SGR database.

Atlanta Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) – Enterprise Asset Management and TAM Plan Development
Niti team supported the Atlanta Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) with an implementation as their Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS). Our team supported ATL and their regional partners with an implementation of a Performance Based, Hosted, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS) that met the needs of (FTA) Transit Asset Management (TAM) designated Tier 1 and Tier 2 agencies. Our team provided the technical/functional experience for configuration, testing, implementation, integration and maintenance for the new EAMS. The current TAM plan was completed a few years back and is in need to be updated to comply with federal regulations. Our team will provide Subject Matter Expertise to support the next update to this plan and provide guidance on how best to maintain and update the plan moving forward.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority TAM Planning
NitiCEO Jignesh Patel the Jacksonville Transportation Authority for a complete system redesign called Route Optimization Initiative, ROI. This massiveBRTinitiative was aimed atimproving regional mobility and to provide more frequent, more direct, and more reliable service to the greater geographical area in the largest land mass city in the USA. As part of the JTA ITDepartment, the team worked closely with the Planning and Operations departments to design, engineer and build a Bus Rapid Transit initiative, appropriately branded “The First Coast Flyer”FCF/BRT that provides a shorter wait time between buses on specific routes throughout the greater Jacksonville area. On technology front, our team supported JTA with assessment, recommendation, technical specifications, and procurement support for various ITS components such as CAD/AVL, Communication Systems, Transit Signal Priority, Surveillance Systems, Scheduling System and more.JTA has successfully implemented the Green Line and the BlueLine for the downtown area. This ROI project has greatly helped the JTA customers with transportation options that allow a timelier transit experience.

IndyGO Transit Asset Management Plan (TAMP) Development
Niti team has been selected as a subcontractor by the Jacksonville Transportation Authority(JTA)for a contract to help coordinate and prepare the FTA mandated Tier 1 Transit Asset Management Plan (TAMP) and position the Authority on the path to becoming an Industry Leader in true Transit Asset Management.
Task 1.0–Project Initiation and Administration
Task 2.0 Comprehensive Inventory:
Task 3.0–Populate Database
Task 4.0–State of Good Repair Analysis:
Task 5.0–Tier 1 Transit Asset Management Plan
Task 6.0–Continuity Plan & Industry Best Practice Recommendations